Flash, specifcally mobile Flash, was effectively sentenced to death a while back. The first inklings came when Abode put out their own non-Flash media tool “Edge,” and then was confirmed when the company dropped 750 employees and halted all development of mobile versions of Flash, ostensibly forever. It’s not until now, however, that we’re seeing Flash really start to crumble. Android, once open to the protocol, will no longer be supporting Adobe Flash with its newest version, Jelly Bean. Flash Not Coming To Android Jelly Bean, Slowly Bleeding Out |...
Rise of the Extreme iPhone-Killer Super-Phones! – Datamation...
posted by KaNisa
The current crop of iPhone killers failed to kill the Apple iPhone. Many of the iPhone’s competitors are really great phones with incredible screens, amazing cameras, powerful processors and advanced user interfaces. On most specs, the iPhone has been bested by several competitors. But still the iPhone reigns supreme in the market. Apple made more money on iPhones alone in Q4 than Microsoft did on every product it sells. What will it take to stop the mighty iPhone? Don’t look now, but the competition is getting ready to hit Apple’s super-villain iPhone with something akin to the X Men or the Avengers — a group of mutant super-phones with unprecedented powers and capabilities that vastly exceed anything that has ever been put into any phone ever. Here is the breathtakingly new crop of extreme super-phones designed to blow the iPhone away: Rise of the Extreme iPhone-Killer Super-Phones! –...
Link : The next generation of Reading Rainbow coming soon to Android with RRKidz | Android Central...
posted by KaNisa
RRKidz is the next generation of Reading Rainbow. Coming soon to Android, RRKidz will allow children to explore topics through voice-over books, videos, and games. LeVar Burton is the company’s “Curator-in-Chief” and will be overseeing every detail of the project. The free app is not available yet, but will be soon on select Android devices. The next generation of Reading Rainbow coming soon to Android with RRKidz | Android...
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