Link : Michael Forever: Behind the first live global PPV concert ever on Facebook Sep29

Link : Michael Forever: Behind the first live global PPV concert ever on Facebook...

Aside from being able to attend the concert and share the experience with friends completely through the Facebook platform, Michael Jackson fans and viewers will also be able to easily purchase related music and event merchandise through a shopping cart application embedded within the event’s official Facebook page. Michael Forever: Behind the first live global PPV concert ever on Facebook. Very ambitious! This should be pretty interesting! Advance e-tickets are 40 Facebook credits ($3.99). Day of tickets are 50 Facebook credits ($4.99). I think I’ll check it...

Link : What’s Really Behind The Netflix/Qwikster Split? Sep26

Link : What’s Really Behind The Netflix/Qwikster Split?...

For DVDs, Netflix’s rights are unlimited and its costs are constrained. For digital, its rights are constrained and its costs are unlimited. In the absence of the first-sale doctrine, Netflix must negotiate each and every title, and the price of the right to stream that digital title is up to the whim of the content owner. For many titiles, you cannot even obtain digital rights, because they can’t find all the people the need to release the rights to do so. What’s Really Behind The Netflix/Qwikster Split?. This explains a bit more about the Netfilx/Qwickster split and associated price jumps. That first sale doctrine should totally apply to streaming content as well…it even seems like it would be a cheaper option to not have to produce DVD’s really at all and have things available as digital copies. I suppose they keep them for people who like to have the physical media…and others who don’t have reliable internet...

The Internet and You

Okay so watched f8 today. F8 is the developer’s conference for where they announce new baseline features for developers to work against. Here’s the new profile they’ll unveil soon : And the enhanced Apps : I tried it out myself and I gotta admit, it’s pretty cool. I’ve heard both good and bad things about these new features. Some people are really excited while others are whining as usual about’s Agile development cycle penchant for revamping things every other day. Haven’t heard the standard privacy whines yet, but I’m sure that’s coming. As you know, I’ve been a techie pretty much my whole life. Born and raised with a keyboard in my hand. Came of age during this computer era and live and breathe it. Went to school for it…switched majors…but ended up studying its impact on society. Now I study this stuff and the best ways to get people to work with it in the fields of User Experience and Usability. As someone who does this for a living and as hobby (not employed on this site clearly), I’m here to tell you the thing that 82.3% of computer users do not get. THE INTERNET IS NOT, WAS NOT, AND HAS NEVER BEEN MADE FOR YOU! EVERY WEBSITE EVER CREATED WAS MADE TO PUSH THE AGENDA OF ITS CREATORS! And this coming from a person who does Ux and Usability for a living! The secret of those disciplines…to make it easier to push the agenda down your throat. Period. Yeah I said it! Knowing this, I SMH at people that complain when new technology comes out or when they have issues with Privacy on websites yet will tell people all about their sex lives on twitter. Technology can only do what...

Watch the Facebook Developer Conference Live...

Change is a comin! See what’s in store for the most popular social network of our time, live at 12:30 EST.

Link : Facebook to Launch “Major” Profile Redesign at f8 – Mashable...

The profile changes will be part of a wider launch, one that will include launch of a music and media platform. The redesigned profiles are part of a larger push into social ecommerce. We don’t exactly know what that means, but we’ve heard whispers that Facebook intends to give Facebook Credits more prominence. We’ve also heard that a Facebook app store may emerge at f8. Facebook to Launch “Major” Profile Redesign at f8 Oh boy…people think they’re mad...

Twitter Trend Conspiracies...

Over the past week there has been some concern over whether or not Twitter censors trending topics according to what is deemed controversial or what has bad publicity. The idea is troublesome, but I feel the sentiment is driven more by misunderstanding of how Twitter works and over-projecting the demographics in certain spheres of influence. A statistic that gets thrown around a lot is that 25% of the Twitter population is Black. That by itself is a little troubling. How does one identify the race of a user if they are never asked to self-identify? That metric is a guess at best. It’s also said that “Black Twitter” influences the trending topics on many occasions based on vernacular or slang that we regularly use. Again, that may be true, but are we sure that the “biggest actual consumers of Hip Hop music is the white teenage demographic” clause doesn’t come into play here? Still though that’s not the real issue here. Let’s look at some recent “statistics“. As of July 2011 : There are about 200,000,000 registered twitter users. About half a million new accounts are created daily. About 50% of users update their status every day. 24% of users check their twitter feed several times a day. 61% of tweets are in English. 70% of twitter users are OUTSIDE of the US. 180,000,000 tweets are posted every day. Let’s think about this more… Since only 30% of twitter users are American, it’s reasonable to say that of the Black population, many of them may be non-American as well…especially since they did not specifically say “African American”, but the phenotype “Black” Of that 25% of Black people on Twitter, how many are : High school kids College kids The 24-34 group The 34+ group...

Link : The next generation of Reading Rainbow coming soon to Android with RRKidz | Android Central...

  RRKidz is the next generation of Reading Rainbow. Coming soon to Android, RRKidz will allow children to explore topics through voice-over books, videos, and games. LeVar Burton is the company’s “Curator-in-Chief” and will be overseeing every detail of the project. The free app is not available yet, but will be soon on select Android devices. The next generation of Reading Rainbow coming soon to Android with RRKidz | Android...