Link : TechCrunch As We Know It May Be Over | TechCrunch Sep06


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Link : TechCrunch As We Know It May Be Over | TechCrunch

TechCrunch is on the precipice. As soon as tomorrow, Mike may be thrown out of the company he founded. Or he may not. No one knows. And if he is, he will be replaced by — well, again, no one knows. No one knows much of anything. Certainly no one at TechCrunch. This site is about to change forever and we’re in the total fucking dark. I’ve been able to piece together little bits of information here and there, and it’s not looking good. Hence, this post.

TechCrunch As We Know It May Be Over | TechCrunch

Not particularly surprised by this. Tech news is not exempt from the perils of big media takeovers. I’m actually surprised they lasted this long. Nothing good can come from AOL…


Still though, RIP for what you once were, a really cool place for start up news, bleeding edge tech discoveries and other things of that nature.