China, no friend of the Internet to begin with, is now entertaining provisions that would further restrict free Internet use in the country by making online anonymity virtually impossible. The proposed changes involve updating the country’s “Methods for Governance of Internet Information Services” such that the definition of “Internet information service providers” includes forums and blogs of all kinds. Effectively, this outlaws the use of pseudonyms by forum users or bloggers. China Moving To Force All Bloggers To Use Real Names |...
How to Export Your Instagram Photos Before Facebook Ruins Everything...
posted by KaNisa
So Facebook’s buying Instagram. That might not be such a bad thing, but if you’re one of those who can’t stand any Facebook in her Instagram Cheerios, there’s a solution.Instaport.Me will let you export all your photos right now, to wherever you want. How to Export Your Instagram Photos Before Facebook Ruins...
Tumblr Gets Facebook Timeline, News Feed, and Ticker Sharing...
posted by KaNisa
Facebook has been the same as adding any other piece of content until now. Tumblr has just announced that it finally has been accepted as anOpen Graph partner and will be publishing feeds to your Timeline, News Feed, and Ticker respectively: Tumblr Gets Facebook Timeline, News Feed, and Ticker...
Employers and Colleges Want Your Facebook Password | Geekosystem...
posted by KaNisa
The perils and pitfalls of social networking are nothing new, and with more people putting more of themselves “out there” online it has become unfortunately necessary to prune one’s online public persona. However, some employers and colleges are taking the unprecedented step ofdemanding private access to user’s social networking profiles. In some cases this could mean being forced to “friend” a superior, or even ordered to surrender your password. According to Bob Sullivan at MSNBC, some employers are doing more than simply looking over the information applicants have publicly available. Currently, the Maryland Department of Corrections asks that job applicants submit to a Facebook review. During this process, applicants must log into their Facebook accounts and click through their pages while an interviewer watches over their shoulder. If this sounds intrusive, that’s nothing: Just a year ago, applicants had to surrender their user name password to interviewers. The practice would likely have continued if employees hadn’tcomplained to the ACLU… Employers and Colleges Want Your Facebook Password |...
Facebook Finally Files for IPO | Geekosystem...
posted by KaNisa
Even though it only sits behind Google as King of the Internet, Facebook wasn’t actually a publicly traded company — and it even got the Aaron Sorkin treatment. Today, finally, Facebook has taken its first steps to becoming a publicly traded company and filed to sell shares on the stock market. Along with seeking to use the ticker “FB” for its shares, it also filed seeking to raise five billion bucks. Facebucks, we’ll call them. Though not even close to Google in terms of revenue or control of Internet territory, analysts feel going public will give Facebook a major boost playing catch-up to the six-lettered Internet giant. Facebook Finally Files for IPO |...
Hover Over My Name and Unclick Subscribed Message – Facebook Rumour...
posted by KaNisa
Hover Over My Name and Unclick Subscribed Message – Facebook Rumour. “With the new ‘FB timeline’ on its way this week for EVERYONE…please do both of us a favor: Hover over my name above. In a few seconds you’ll see a box that says ‘Subscribed.’ Hover over that, go to ‘Comments and Likes’ and unclick it. That will stop my posts and yours to me from showing up on the side bar for everyone to see, but MOST IMPORTANTLY IT LIMITS HACKERS from invading our profiles. If you repost this I will do the same for you. You’ll know I’ve acknowledged you because if you tell me that you’ve done it I”ll ‘like’ it. Thanks!” False. The the ticker only reports things you share with others. If people are seeing things about people they don’t know, it’s because THOSE people have their info set to public. I’m seeing people posting this everywhere.The “hacker” part clued me into this being an inaccurate rumor as most people don’t know what a hacker is. Truthfully, if you have a Facebook Developer account (something ANYONE can takes 2 seconds…I even have one for funsies) you can have access to everyone’s info. If you don’t want your info out there, don’t put it on the internet....
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