A sad thing happened. Last week, I discovered I couldn’t access the admin side of my personal blog. I’d updated a set of plugins and thought maybe that threw something out of whack. I wasn’t too concerned though as I could still update as needed using other means. Figured I’d work on it as I had time. Noticed I got a huge influx of spams to my comments too…which was annoying but manageable from my WordPress app on my phone…and from periodically updating my .htacess file to block the bots. (Also noticed they do normal looking text now in those…they seem like real people until you look at what they’re linking to. Does that actually work?!?!) Poked around…tried disabling the plugins in various ways (deleting the plugins folder, deleting the lines from the database..) No dice. Uploaded a fresh wordpress installation to my host in a fresh database. Same problem…can’t access the admin side on the new one. Put in a call to my host as all my blogs’ admin pages were also inaccessible. They said they were working on it. It’d been several days with no progress, so I just decided to make a copy of everything, dump all my databases, clear out the whole server, and re-upload piece by piece. Everything was going swell…until I imported my sql file to my fresh local WordPress installation… And realized it only had up until sometime in 2011. And I’d already deleted the databases on the server. Meaning I’d lost two years worth of posts. I was in disbelief for a second…I mean I’ve been blogging for literally 13 years. It’s a big part of me. I don’t take a lot of pictures, so the blog is the only evidence I am alive really…keeping track for future me’s...
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