Your 6-Month Trial of Free Spotify May Be Ending Soon | Geekosystem Jan06


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Your 6-Month Trial of Free Spotify May Be Ending Soon | Geekosystem

So you got Spotify as soon as it came to the States. You’ve been jamming on those free tunes like it’s your job. Free Spotify has become a vital part of your everyday sanity-preservation strategy. Well you better get ready because there’s an end. You may not have been aware — I know I wasn’t — but “free unlimited Spotify” never really existed. What you experience as free unlimited Spotify is actually an automatic  6-month trial of Spotify Unlimited, except with ads. The real kicker? Spotify’s 6 month anniversary in the U.S. is rolling around next week. So this is a good time for a reminder.

Your 6-Month Trial of Free Spotify May Be Ending Soon | Geekosystem.