Link : Netflix Splits Names Mail Delivery Service Qwikster


Netflix Inc.’s move to separate its movie-streaming business and its DVD-by-mail service failed to soothe many customers’ anger over the company’s recent price increase.

A Netflix spokesman said the DVD-by-mail service, to be renamed Qwikster, will be a wholly owned subsidiary of Netflix. … He wrote that customers will receive separate credit-card statements for the two services, with the new one billed under its new name.

Netflix Separates DVD and Streaming Services –

Oh boy…I was okay with Netflix until now. Communication, communication, communication! It’s not so much what the company is doing, but HOW they’re doing it.

Also to have two different websites for the same company..with two different bills? A big User Experience fail. I’ve always been annoyed with Verizon for having me sign in two different sites to pay my FIOS Internet and wireless bills (can’t do OneBill since I don’t have a landline). It made no sense that not having a landline precluded me from using that single sign on service. Come on now Netflix…do you have anything else to announce? Just put it all out there…