Kotaku, citing the all-knowing, all-anonymous Sources with a capital “S,” has learned fresh details regarding Sony’s PlayStation 4. The report claims the unit is codenamed “Orbis,” which could be referring to a number of things, and is currently planned for a 2013 holiday release. Though Orbis could mean one of many things, if you combine it with the name for Sony’s new handheld, the PlayStation Vita, you have a common Latin term “Orbis Vitae,” which means “the circle of life.” Seems like something a marketing team would do, right? Also, the address orbis.scedev.net actually leads to a website, which shares a naming convention and site design with the Vita web developer portal. The sources claim the Orbis currently sports an AMD x64 CPU, and an AMD Southern Islands GPU, and the Orbis will be capable of displaying games at a ridiculous resolution of 4096 x 2160, something far higher than what the common HDTV can generally achieve. Additionally, the report claims the Orbis should be able to display 3D games in 1080p, whereas the PlayStation 3 can only display them in 720p without things getting wiggy. Terrible news: The source claims that the Orbis won’t even bother dealing with backwards compatibility… Report: PlayStation 4 Codenamed Orbis, 2013 Holiday Release |...
Xbox 360 apps now live for Comcast Xfinity TV, HBO Go and MLB.tv — Engadget...
posted by KaNisa
Anxiously awaiting the arrival of those brand spanking new apps for your Xbox 360 console? Well, the wait is over. Video apps for Comcast Xfinity TV, HBO Go and MLB.tv have arrived on a number of consoles here at Engadget HQ. Major Nelson dropped the official word a little while ago, leaving you mere moments away from live and on demand television and baseball just in time for the start of the season. Keep in mind all three of these high profile applications feature Kinect integration — but don’t worry, you won’t be forced to swing any bats in your living room. Xbox 360 apps now live for Comcast Xfinity TV, HBO Go and MLB.tv —...
ISPs To Begin Punishing BitTorrent Pirates This Summer | TorrentFreak...
posted by KaNisa
This July major US Internet service providers will start assisting copyright holders in their fight against online copyright infringement. Major ISPs including Comcast, Verizon and Time Warner Cable will begin fulfilling their obligations under the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding signed last year, which will see the providers send out copyright infringement warnings to their millions of customers. ISPs To Begin Punishing BitTorrent Pirates This Summer |...
Employers and Colleges Want Your Facebook Password | Geekosystem...
posted by KaNisa
The perils and pitfalls of social networking are nothing new, and with more people putting more of themselves “out there” online it has become unfortunately necessary to prune one’s online public persona. However, some employers and colleges are taking the unprecedented step ofdemanding private access to user’s social networking profiles. In some cases this could mean being forced to “friend” a superior, or even ordered to surrender your password. According to Bob Sullivan at MSNBC, some employers are doing more than simply looking over the information applicants have publicly available. Currently, the Maryland Department of Corrections asks that job applicants submit to a Facebook review. During this process, applicants must log into their Facebook accounts and click through their pages while an interviewer watches over their shoulder. If this sounds intrusive, that’s nothing: Just a year ago, applicants had to surrender their user name password to interviewers. The practice would likely have continued if employees hadn’tcomplained to the ACLU… Employers and Colleges Want Your Facebook Password |...
Rise of the Extreme iPhone-Killer Super-Phones! – Datamation...
posted by KaNisa
The current crop of iPhone killers failed to kill the Apple iPhone. Many of the iPhone’s competitors are really great phones with incredible screens, amazing cameras, powerful processors and advanced user interfaces. On most specs, the iPhone has been bested by several competitors. But still the iPhone reigns supreme in the market. Apple made more money on iPhones alone in Q4 than Microsoft did on every product it sells. What will it take to stop the mighty iPhone? Don’t look now, but the competition is getting ready to hit Apple’s super-villain iPhone with something akin to the X Men or the Avengers — a group of mutant super-phones with unprecedented powers and capabilities that vastly exceed anything that has ever been put into any phone ever. Here is the breathtakingly new crop of extreme super-phones designed to blow the iPhone away: Rise of the Extreme iPhone-Killer Super-Phones! –...
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