Occupy Flash, a weirdly misnamed movement presumably riding on the coattails of the much more appropriately named Occupy Wall Street movement, is encouraging users to unequivocallyuninstall Adobe’s Flash player. It all comes back to the fact that Adobe has recently ended mobile Flash development in order to head in a more HTML5 direction. That being the case, Occupy Flash supporters are uninstalling Flash in hopes of forcing Adobe in a more HTML5 direction. Because it’s certainly not headed that way already. No, not at all. Occupy Flash Urging Users to Uninstall Adobe Flash |...
Save the Internet!
posted by KaNisa
Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power to censor the world’s Internet — creating a blacklist that could target YouTube, WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz! Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users’ activities. And, because so much of the Internet’s hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us. The vote could happen any day now, but we can help stop this — champions in Congress want to preserve free speech and tell us that an international outcry would strengthen their hand. Let’s urgently raise our voices from every corner of the world and build an unprecedented global petition calling on US decision makers to reject the bill and stop Internet censorship. Sign now and then forward as widely as possible — our message will be delivered directly to key members of the US Congress ahead of the crucial vote. via Avaaz – Save the...
Even The RIAA Hates The DMCA?...
posted by KaNisa
If you’ve ever sent a friend a video clip of your favorite show only to discover that “this video has been taken down due to a claim by MegaMedia Corp.”, you can thank the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), a law that treats backing up your DVDs to your hard drive like you’re worse than a kid-toucher. But it turns out that the very people who got this law enacted, namely the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), now really, really hate it. Even The RIAA Hates The...
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